国内统一刊号:CN53-0011 大理日报社出版权威性·影响力·责任感



10月9日,2021推进全球生态文明建设(洱海)论坛将在大理举行。“洱海论坛”主题为“共建生态文明 共护美丽星球”,是中国今年主场重要外交活动——《生物多样性公约》第十五次缔约方大会(COP15)的配套外宣活动。


Editor's Note

On 9 October 2021, Erhai Forum on Global Ecological Civilization Construction is going to be held in Dali. With the theme of Building an Ecological Civilization together for a Beautiful Planet, this forum is an important activity during the Fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 15) in Kunming, China.

On this very occasion, Dali Daily is publishing a special issue highlighting Welcoming COP 15· Meeting together at Erhai Forum, providing some representative pictures and summarizing the ecosystem richness, species diversity, prominence  of endemic species, and  the government's effective work for biodiversity  conservation,  for  the  purpose  of  introducing  the  achievements  in  biodiversity conservation made by Dali Prefecture implementing General  Secretary  Xi Jinping's  thought  on  ecological civilization.

统 筹:李成林 赵正琳 黑毅鹤

策划/编辑:施贵兴 刘 颖 王伟纲



组版/终校:张  颖

本版图源:夏传武 赵子忠 杨继培
