国内统一刊号:CN53-0011 大理日报社出版权威性·影响力·责任感



Prominence of Endemic Species in Dali

①木兰科玉兰属新种——宝台玉兰 (图源:本报资料图)

A novel species of Magnolia in Magnoliaceae —— Yulania baotaina D. L. Fu, Q. Zhang et M. Xu

②濒危保护植物——龙女花 (图源:本报资料图)

Endangered plant under protection —— Magnolia wilsonii

③“植物界大熊猫”——漾濞槭 (图源:李惠赟)

"Giant panda" in plant kingdom —— Acer yangbiense

④茈碧花 (图源:施新弟)

Nymphaea tetragona Georgi

⑤重楼属植物新种——漕涧重楼 (图源:本报资料图)

A novel species of Paris —— Paris caojianensis B. Z. Duan& Y. Y. Liu

⑥鲤形目条鳅科鱼类新种——川河云南鳅 (图源:赵亚鹏)

A novel species of Nemacheilidaein Cypriniformes —— Yunnanilus chuanheensis

⑦亚美蜉属新种——大理亚美蜉 (图源:东喜马拉雅研究院网站)

A novel species of Ameletus —— AmeletusdaliensisTong

⑧我国鸟类新记录种——白腹针尾绿鸠 (图源:钱程)

A newly-recorded bird species in China —— Treron seimundi (Yellow-vented Green Pigeon)

⑨蝎蛉新种——大理蝎蛉 (图源:大理大学新闻网)

A novel species of scorpionflies —— Panorpa daliWang, 2021 

⑩蝎蛉新种——南诏蝎蛉  (图源:大理大学新闻网)

A novel species of scorpionflies —— Panorpa nanzhaoWang, 2021 

蚱科新种——苍山蚱 (图源:大理大学新闻网)

A novel species of Tetrigidae —— Tetrix cangshanensis Deng, Wang et Mao, 2021

蜘蛛新种——长突拟蝇虎蛛 (图源:云南无量山国家级自然保护区南涧管护局)

A novel species of Araneae —— Plexippoides longapophysis Wang, Mi & Peng, 2020 

蜘蛛新种——无突翘蛛 (图源:云南无量山国家级自然保护区南涧管护局)

A novel species of Araneae —— Irura uniprocessa Mi & Wang, 2016 

蜘蛛新种——罗氏合跳蛛 (图源:云南无量山国家级自然保护区南涧管护局)

A novel species of Aranea e —— Synagelides logunovi Wang, Mi, Irfan & Peng, 2020